Booking calendar for Drupal

Looking for a booking calendar to add to your Drupal website?

Then look no further, because we have the booking calendar you are looking for. It’s very easy to set up and manage, and it’s fully customizable to your Drupal website. In a few minutes you have your calendar up and running.

When a Bookingmood calendar is embedded on your Drupal website:

  • Your visitors will be able to see the availability of your rental directly on your Drupal website
  • Your visitors can make bookings directly via your Drupal website
  • Your Drupal site turns into a booking channel!

Bookingmood is fully compatible with Drupal

Once you added a booking calendar from Booking mood into your Drupal website, you can be sure it will work perfectly. We’ve tested every feature to make sure it all works smooth.

View all features

Start receiving more bookings today!

Sign up so you can test Bookingmood for free with our 14-day trial. The trial is fully functional, so you can test it on your Drupal website during the whole trial period.

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Looking for a booking calendar to add to your Drupal website?Bookingmood is fully compatible with DrupalStart receiving more bookings today!