Buying a holiday home? Here’s what you need to know!

Nov 10, 20233 min readTutorial

Buying a holiday home? Here’s what you need to know!

Adriaan de Jager

Adriaan de Jager

Are you planning to buy a holiday home? An exciting step, because there is a lot to consider when purchasing a holiday home. A process in which you have to pay attention to various things. Below we list a number of important topics that apply when purchasing a holiday home.

Object type

Holiday homes come in all shapes and sizes. Before you make a purchase, decide carefully what you want to buy. First decide whether you want to use the house for yourself, or are you also planning to rent out the house? Are you perhaps looking for a versatile home to accommodate large groups, or do you prefer that specific chalet on the campsite to enjoy your holiday yourself? Thorough research is important so that you can be sure that the purchase will not disappoint you later.


The location is of course also very important. Near the beach, or deep in the forest? In the Netherlands, or rather in a warm country like Spain? Again, it is important to determine what you want to do with the home. Renting out a holiday home will be more successful if it is located in a popular holiday location. Or are you looking for a remote place for an optimal holiday experience for yourself?

Budget and financing

An important factor for purchasing a holiday home is the available budget. After all, the budget you have available largely determines which holiday home you can purchase. Once your budget has been determined and you have a specific holiday home in mind, the next step is to purchase your desired holiday home. It may be wise to finance the purchase. There are a number of things you should pay attention to. Mortgage interest might not deductible for a holiday home (that does not serve as a main residence). Not even if you finance this house through the mortgage on your main home. This mortgage part is considered a consumer loan and the interest on that part of the loan is therefore not deductible. On the other hand, any rental income you generate from your holiday home is not taxed. So keep this in mind.


If you are going to buy a holiday home, taking out proper insurance is extremely important. With good insurance you can be sure that your holiday home is insured against various types of dangers such as fire, storm and vandalism. Insuring your holiday home is often also a requirement. For example, from the park owner or if you (partly) finance your holiday home through the lender. The insurance premium is usually not high, but it prevents many nasty surprises in the event of damage. There are several specialists in this field. So don't forget to insure your holiday home.

Search and find a home

There are several websites that offer holiday homes. One of these is RecraHome, which offers all kinds of holiday homes in the Netherlands. RecraHome makes the entire process easy for buyer and seller. As a seller you have an online platform with a national reach, and they include your home in their (online) marketing for free. As a buyer, you can easily and clearly view the range throughout the Netherlands via this website and look for the holiday home of your dreams. View more information here.

On this page

Object typeLocationBudget and financingInsuranceSearch and find a home

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