
Content to put on your vacation rental website
Apr 5, 2024 2 min read

Content to put on your vacation rental website

Working on your own vacation rental website and wondering what content you should add? We've got some nice tips for you.

Lennart VisscherLennart Visscher

Buying a holiday home? Here’s what you need to know!
Nov 10, 2023 3 min read

Buying a holiday home? Here’s what you need to know!

Are you planning to buy a holiday home? An exciting step, because there is a lot to consider. In this blog we list a number of important topics.

Adriaan de JagerAdriaan de Jager
Important topics when renting out a holiday home
Jul 13, 2023 3 min read

Important topics when renting out a holiday home

If you are considering renting out a holiday home, there are several topics that are important to take into account. We've listed some of them here.

Adriaan de JagerAdriaan de Jager
5 reasons why booking tools are a must for rental companies
Nov 4, 2022 5 min read

5 reasons why booking tools are a must for rental companies

If you own a rental business, online booking tools are essential for you and your customers. In this blog we tell you why and how they can help your business.

Adriaan de JagerAdriaan de Jager
Create a listing site for vacation rentals without code
Oct 3, 2022 2 min read

Create a listing site for vacation rentals without code

Did you know it's quite easy to launch a vacation rental listing site nowadays? All you need is a laptop and an internet connection.

Lennart VisscherLennart Visscher
Let's explore the world of iCal feeds and synchronization!
Aug 11, 2022 2 min read

Let's explore the world of iCal feeds and synchronization!

When you want to sync the availability of your rentals with other websites, you need iCal feeds. Let's explore the world of iCal feeds and synchronization!

Lennart VisscherLennart Visscher
7 important booking calendar functions
Jun 30, 2022 3 min read

7 important booking calendar functions

Are you looking for a booking calendar to add to your website? In this blog we discuss seven important functions of a booking calendar you must use.

Adriaan de JagerAdriaan de Jager
5 reasons why your website needs a booking calendar
Jun 13, 2022 3 min read

5 reasons why your website needs a booking calendar

A booking calendar is a must when you rent out your property. There are several reasons for that. In this article we tell you all about this.

Adriaan de JagerAdriaan de Jager