Booking calendar for Jimdo

Add a Bookingmood calendar to your Jimdo website and receive more bookings

Do you want to receive more bookings on your Jimdo website? With Bookingmood you have the perfect calendar tool. You can set up your account within a few clicks, the calendars are fully customizable to your Jimdo website and the system is very easy to manage. In a few minutes you have your calendars up and running.

Add a Bookingmood calendar to your Jimdo website and:

  • Your visitors will be able to see the availability of your rental directly on your Jimdo website
  • Your visitors can make bookings directly via your Jimdo website
  • Turn your Jimdo website into an easy to use booking channel!

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Bookingmood is fully compatible with Jimdo

We’ve made sure Bookingmood works perfectly in your Jimdo website. You can use Bookingmood as a complete booking calendar, or as a simple availability calendar if that suits your needs.

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Do you want to add a booking calendar to your Jimdo website?

Get started today and get your calendars up and running in just a few minutes. Sign up and test out Bookingmood for free. The trial is fully functional, so you can test it on your Jimdo website during the whole trial period.

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On this page

Add a Bookingmood calendar to your Jimdo website and receive more bookingsBookingmood is fully compatible with JimdoDo you want to add a booking calendar to your Jimdo website?