Booking calendar for SITE123

Need a booking calendar for SITE123?

If you're used to the simplicity of SITE123, we're sure you'll also love Bookingmood. You don't need to have any technical knowledge to get your booking calendar up and running. With Bookingmood you can add an availability calendar or booking system to your SITE123 website.

Check out the SITE123 manual

Once you have embedded Bookingmood on your SITE123 website:

  • Your visitors will be able to see the availability of your rental
  • Your visitors can book directly via your site
  • Your SITE123 site turns into a booking channel

Bookingmood is 100% compatible with SITE123

We've tested every feature of Bookingmood with SITE123 to make sure it all works smooth. Bookingmood can be used as a simple availability calendar, but also as a flexible booking system.

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Add a booking calendar to your SITE123 site today! Sign up and test out Bookingmood for free.

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Need a booking calendar for SITE123?