
Content to put on your vacation rental website
Apr 5, 2024 2 min read

Content to put on your vacation rental website

Working on your own vacation rental website and wondering what content you should add? We've got some nice tips for you.

Lennart VisscherLennart Visscher

Bookingmood as an alternative to Stratech Leisure
Nov 3, 2023 2 min read

Bookingmood as an alternative to Stratech Leisure

Stratech has stopped with their activities in the recreational market. Bookingmood could be a good alternative if you rent out vacation homes.

Adriaan de JagerAdriaan de Jager
The importance of creating your own booking channel
Mar 16, 2023 3 min read

The importance of creating your own booking channel

You probably make use of an OTA to list your holiday home. Here we tell you why it’s important to create your own independent booking channel and how to do it.

Adriaan de JagerAdriaan de Jager
Rental booking systems compared
Jul 8, 2022 5 min read

Rental booking systems compared

We’ve listed several booking tools and compared them, so you can be sure you choose the correct booking system for your needs

Adriaan de JagerAdriaan de Jager