
Content to put on your vacation rental website
Apr 5, 2024 2 min read

Content to put on your vacation rental website

Working on your own vacation rental website and wondering what content you should add? We've got some nice tips for you.

Lennart VisscherLennart Visscher

Bookingmood for your Facebook Marketplace advert
Sep 29, 2023 2 min read

Bookingmood for your Facebook Marketplace advert

Do you isting your rental on Facebook Marketplace? Facebook Marketplace doesn’t have an availability and booking option. That’s where Bookingmood comes in.

Adriaan de JagerAdriaan de Jager
What people use Bookingmood for
Sep 8, 2022 2 min read

What people use Bookingmood for

While the vast majority of our users are using Bookingmood for their holiday homes, we also see a lot of other interesting use cases.

Lennart VisscherLennart Visscher