Available onAvailabilityBooking
The availability of your unit depends on the bookings you add or receive. But you can also apply Availability configurations to fine tune the availability of your unit.
The settings that you apply are stored as so called Configurations. You can create multiple Configurations per rental. For example; a Configuration for every season. Then simply select the days where you want to apply the Configurations to!
A configuration contains rules. There are two types: Availability and Rates. You can add as many rules of both types to a Configuration. You can also add multiple Configurations. For example; one Configuration for each season.
Configuration | Description |
Allow check-in | Checking in is possible |
Allow checkout | Checking out is possible |
Bookings can be between _ and _ nights (or days) long | Minimum and maximum duration per booking |
Can be booked between _ and _ nights (or days) in advance | Minimum and maximum time before the booking |
Block _ nights (or days) after each booking | Keep your rental closed for some time after each booking |
Learn more about Rates configuration.
Click & drag on your calendar to apply a Configuration. Once you release the mouse, you will be able to select a Configuration to apply. After you have selected a Configuration the page will be saved automatically.
Last modified January 31, 2024