
Available onAvailabilityBooking

Embedding a Bookingmood widget on a Joomla site requires a couple more steps than on other sites. This guide will walk you through all the steps so you'll have it embedded in minutes.

1. Configuring Joomla to allow embeds

Go to "System" > "Setup" > "Global configuration"

Joomla system settings screen

Go to "Text Filters"

Joomla text filters screen

Update Filter Type for Administrator to "No filtering" and save.

Joomla filter editor

Go back to "Settings" > "Manage" > "Plugins" and search for "Editor"

Joomla plugin screen

Go to "Editor - TinyMCE", scroll down until you see the option "Prohibited Elements", change "Prohibited Elements" to "applet" and save.

Editing prohibited elements on Joomla

2. Embedding a bookingmood widget on your pages

Navigate to the page on which you want to embed a Bookingmood widget and click "Toggle editor" underneath the text editor.

There copy the following code:

<div><iframe style="width: 100%; border: none;" src="YOUR_OEMBED_URL_HERE"></iframe></div>

Be sure to replace YOUR_OEMBED_URL_HERE with the oEmbed url of your Bookingmood widget.

Joomla iframe input screen

Now save the page and you'll see the widget appear

Joomla non-resizable widget preview

3. Making the widget resize correctly

Although the widget is now technically included in your page, it's not optimal. The height is incorrect.

To fix this, you need to add a bit of JavaScript into your template.

Go to "Settings" > "Templates" > "Site templates" and select the template you're currently using:

Joomla template list

Open "index.php" and scroll all the way down. Just above </body>, paste the following code:

<script src=""></script>

Joomla script editor

If you now view your site, you should have a fully functional Bookingmood widget!

Joomla preview with resizing Bookingmood widget

Last modified January 31, 2024

On this page

1. Configuring Joomla to allow embeds2. Embedding a bookingmood widget on your pages3. Making the widget resize correctly